The Client Experience

Your Path Guides Us.

Getting to know you is not only one of the greatest rewards of the work we do. Our journey together begins with a deep dive Mutual Discovery meeting designed to uncover what’s most important to you and your family. Unsurprisingly, in our more than four decades of service we’ve found that many common themes emerge during our discovery sessions and across the lifespans of our client relationships. These experiences give us valuable insight that informs the short- and long-term strategies we develop together with you. In essence, we tap into the “The Power of We” to help make the most of your wealth.

Who We Serve.


Newly Independent


High Net Worth


Law Firm Partners


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Senior Executive

How do you balance your strong beliefs that your company will continue to thrive with the desire to ensure your own financial independence?

A Fortune 500 executive had amassed a significant amount of company stock. As this concentrated equity position represented an outsized portion of their net worth, they were appropriately concerned about addressing various long-term planning objectives, while considering the practical limitations of being a senior executive.

Outcomes :

Newly Independent

Your spouse used to handle all of your financial matters. What do you do now?

A client’s spouse suddenly passed away. Beyond the emotional trauma associated with this tragedy, they were faced with the need to take over all their finances – with little or no knowledge of how to do so.

Outcomes :


How do you manage the increased financial complexity from owning — and selling — your business?

A couple invested in a consumer services business and became managing partners of the company. As the business grew over the course of a decade, a liquidity event seemed likely (in this case, a series of liquidity events). The clients wanted to consider how best to pass wealth to their children and future generations, while mitigating future estate taxes.

Outcomes :

High Net Worth Family

How you can live the life you desire while creating generational wealth and building a charitable legacy for your family?

A couple who had been building substantial wealth for decades began to realize that they had done minimal wealth-related planning. They wanted to identify who they should help… and how. They also came to recognize that reducing taxes would be integral to their strategy.

Outcomes :

Technology Executive

You have a combination of founders’ shares, restricted stock, and options in your company. How do you balance maintaining sufficient liquidity while achieving a desirable after-tax outcome?

A senior executive at a tech company had accumulated a significant amount of paper wealth. As their company’s success grew and a liquidity event became more likely, they realized they needed to carefully think through the cash flow, income tax, and estate tax implications for a variety of possible outcomes.

Outcomes :

Law Firm Partner

You know what it takes to be a trusted advisor to your own clients, but what do you need in a trusted advisor to your family?

As a successful partner at a large law firm began accumulating meaningful levels of wealth, they faced an increasingly complex financial picture. What questions should they be asking and answering – and how could they find time to do so given how busy they were?

Outcomes :

Professional Athlete

You are on the cusp of achieving your dream of playing professional sports. What should you be thinking about to set yourself (and your family) up for financial success?

A client that was picked in the 1st Round of the NFL Draft realized that their life was about to completely change. In addition to establishing their presence on the team and building a life in a new city, they needed to be responsible with their newfound wealth.

Outcomes :